Learning Java


Learning resources and notes for the Java programming language.

view the project on github brittni-and-the-polar-bear/learning-java


jEnv is a version manager tool for the Java programming language.

Common jEnv Commands

Install jenv with Homebrew

$ brew update
$ brew install jenv

See the current jenv version

$ jenv --version

Add a version of Java to jenv (jEnv will not download Java for you)

$ jenv <path/to/Java/Home>

Example: $ jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_91.jdk/Contents/Home

See all available versions of Java

$ jenv versions

Set the version of Java that should be used in the current directory

$ jenv local <version_tag>

Set the version of Java that should be used globally

$ jenv global <version_tag>

Set the version of Java that should be used in this shell session

$ jenv shell <version_tag>