brittni | coding nerd


(sher/her) i love to make awesome things with code! 💕👩🏽‍💻

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useful brew commands

table of contents

print the current version of brew

update brew to the latest version

install a new package

list all the installed packages

uninstall a package

cleanup a package

cleanup all packages

list all outdated packages

upgrade a package

upgrade all packages


brew --version

table of contents

update brew to the latest version

brew update

table of contents

install a new package

it is recommended to update brew to the latest version before installing a new package.

replace PACKAGE_NAME_HERE with the name of the package to be installed.

brew install PACKAGE_NAME_HERE

table of contents

list all the installed packages

brew list

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uninstall a package

replace PACKAGE_NAME_HERE with the name of the package to be uninstalled.

brew uninstall PACKAGE_NAME_HERE

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cleanup a package

replace PACKAGE_NAME_HERE with the name of the package to be cleaned up.

brew cleanup PACKAGE_NAME_HERE

table of contents

cleanup all packages

brew cleanup

table of contents

list all outdated packages

brew outdated

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upgrade a package

if there is a new version of brew available, you may need to update brew to the latest version before you can upgrade the package.

replace PACKAGE_NAME_HERE with the name of the package to be upgraded.

brew upgrade PACKAGE_NAME_HERE

table of contents

upgrade all packages

if there is a new version of brew available, you may need to update brew to the latest version before you can upgrade the packages.

brew upgrade

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